José Francisco Leguizamón Romero, Olga Yanneth Patiño Porras
y Publio Suárez Sotomonte
Abstract:This article informs of a study where we identified the didactic tendencies of some teachers and their conceptions about the role of educational resources in the processes of teaching and learning of mathematics. The trends classification was assumed from the Porlan’s proposal (1995). The research was developed under a qualitative paradigm, through a case study. The participants were teachers from both public and private schools. Data were gathered through a questionnaire as well as class observations. Conclusions showed that teachers have technological tendencies with traditional features; they conceived the educational resources as aids of study (Godino, 2003), elements that allow motivation, support the memorization of concepts, and support the exposition of the thematic by the teacher.
Keywords: conceptions, didactic trends, educational resources, mediation, mathematics education.