Solución estratégica a problemas matemáticos verbales de una operación. El caso de la multiplicación y la división

Alejandra García Alcalá, Jonathan Vázquez Maldonado
y Luis Zarzosa Escobedo

Abstract: Mathematical word problems are a common school practice for teaching meaningful mathematics. Based on a direct teaching strategy approach, the purpose of this study was to expand the external validity of the Xin, Wiles and Lin (2008) model for solving math word problems. Two boys and one girl about 9 years old, 4th graders struggling with mathematics, were instructed. The math problems were multiplication and division in the form of sentences. The students were taught to answer strategic questions and to use an algebraicoutline so that they could detect the common structure of the math problemsand solve them. The three students had great improvement from the pretest to posttest and two of them learned to solve division problems with fewer attempts.The significance, practical use and transfer to new problems are discussed.

Keywords: strategies; teaching; elementary school; basic math operations.


La resolución de problemas en un contexto Ñuu Savi: un estudio de casos con niños de sexto grado de primaria

Javier García-García, Catalina Navarro Sandoval
y Flor Monserrat Rodríguez Vásquez

Abstract: This article presents some results of research conducted with the Ñuu Savi (mixteca) population of the state of Guerrero, Mexico. The objective is to show some strategies identified in the productions of students of sixth-grade students (elementary school) when solving arithmetic problems: formal and practical. The study is important because there are no researches with the same objective focused in the ethnic population, and because of the importance that interculturality takes in the programs of study (sep, 2011). The research is a case study, with five children aged between 11 and 13 years old. The instruments to collect data used are the following: questionnaires (written in Spanish) and group interviews (in the child’s native language). The results confirm the following: Tee Savi (mixtecos) children present difficulties and errors in solving  arithmetic problems for purely mathematical questions and also show a poor understanding of Spanish, the language used at school, as a factor that hinders the understanding of the problem.

Keywords: solving problems, Ñuu Savi, solution strategies, elementary school.


Praxeologies analysis of mathematical modeling in textbooks of primary education

Samantha Quiroz Rivera y Ruth Rodríguez Gallegos

Abstract:Abstract: The present study aims to analyze the mathematical modeling praxeology of the mathematics textbooks for primary school students in Mexico. Based on a qualitative methodology, a detailed description of the types of mathematical modeling tasks present in the lessons of the books chosen are performed. Based on them, there are put into consideration the techniques, technologies and theories using the theoretical framework of the Anthropological Theory of Didactics. The results contribute a description of the mathematical modeling cycle through its praxeological elements. It is also described, in a diagnostic way, a detailed report about the materials that the Secretary of Education makes to students and the poor agreement of these with the objectives proposed in the actual curriculum.

Keywords: mathematical modeling, Anthropological Theory of Didactics, praxeologies, elementary school, textbooks.


Análisis de praxeologías de modelación matemática en libros de texto de educación primaria

Samantha Quiroz Rivera y Ruth Rodríguez Gallegos

Resumen:El presente estudio tiene como objetivo analizar las praxeologías de modelación matemática que existen en los libros de texto de matemáticas para los alumnos de educación primaria en México. Con base en una metodología cualitativa, se realiza una descripción detallada de los géneros de tareas de modelación matemática presentes en las lecciones de los libros elegidos. Con base en ellos, se ponen en consideración las diferentes técnicas, tecnologías y teorías que las acompañan, utilizando para ello el marco teórico de la Teoría Antropológica de lo Didáctico. Los resultados obtenidos presentan aportes para la descripción del ciclo de modelación matemática mediante sus diversos elementos praxeológicos. Además, se describe a manera diagnóstica un detallado informe sobre los materiales que la Secretaría de Educación Pública pone a disposición de los alumnos y la poca concordancia de estos con los objetivos que se plantean en los planes de estudio actuales.

Palabras clave: modelación matemática, Teoría Antropológica de lo Didáctico, praxeologías, educación primaria, libros de texto.
