Dificultades de los estudiantes de grado once al hacer transformaciones de representaciones de una función con el registro figural como registro principal

Tulio R. Amaya de Armas y Antonio Medina Rivilla

Abstract: The present research explores the difficulties encountered by 50 Colombians students in 11th grade —the school grade before the admission to the university— in their transit across different function representation registers. The research has been developed in three stages: literature review, tools’ design and exploration, and results analysis and interpretation. It introduced six situations problems to students, but we only analyze the results for each of these problems. Serious difficulties were encountered relating to function elements recognition and their relationship, the establishment of congruence between the elements of two or more registers, the transit into a register, and the intrinsic complexity of the concept itself.

Keywords: registration figural, analytical register, semiotic representation, function, conversion between register.


Treatment of finite limit in spanish textbooks of middle school: 1933–2005

Javier Claros Mellado
Mª Teresa Sánchez Compaña
Moisés Coriat Benarroch

Abstract:We describe a study of Spanish mathematics text books (secondary level) that allowed us to develop, in part, the field work in two doctoral theses. It’s an experimental study in which an intentional sample, with a total of 40 textbooks, was used to search for, separately, the development made by the respective authors in regard to the finite limit of a sequence (Claros, 2010, doctoral
thesis) and the finite limit of a function at a point (Sánchez, 2012, doctoral thesis). From our theoretical framework (phenomenology of limit), we describe the phenomena that we looked for in the textbooks sample. This has been done following a systematic method to analyze each book, we also include a description of such a method. We summarize the results obtained, by integrating them into useful time ranges for the literature in Spanish, and indicate some pathways for the future of our research.

Key words: textbooks, limits, phenomena, function, sequence.


Tratamiento del límite finito en libros de texto españoles de secundaria: 1933–2005

DOI 10.24844/EM2801.05

Javier Claros Mellado
Mª Teresa Sánchez Compaña
Moisés Coriat Benarroch

Resumen:En este escrito describimos un estudio de libros de texto de matemáticas españoles (nivel de secundaria). Se trata de un estudio en el que se usó una muestra intencional, con un total de 40 libros de textos, para buscar por separado el desarrollo realizado por los respectivos autores, en lo que respecta a la noción de límite finito de una sucesión y el límite finito de una función en un punto. Describimos, de nuestro marco teórico, la fenomenología del límite, los fenómenos que hemos buscado en los libros de texto. Esto se ha hecho siguiendo un método sistemático para analizar los libros, plan que también presentamos.
Resumimos los resultados obtenidos integrándolos en rangos temporales relevantes para la bibliografía en español, e indicamos algunas vías de futuro de nuestras investigaciones.

Palabras clave: libros de texto, límite, fenómenos, función, sucesión.

