Angle Concept Learning in Mexican Junior High School Students

Rosa Araceli Rotaeche Guerrero
Gisela Montiel Espinosa

Abstract: We present on this paper a didactic experience which main goal was
students learning the concept of angle. To achieve it a design was conducted
by a Didactic Engineering. The preliminary analysis integrates previous research
results that highlight specificity of didactic phenomena associated to the school
concept of angle, and some historic and didactical considerations.
Even when the didactic experience was satisfactory for the teacher and her
students, from an initial evaluation is concluded that the school concept of angle
is not “learned” in a formal and absolute sense, but associated meanings to its
nature are developed; so we say students can use angularity in order to interact
with their environment.
Keywords: Angle, Meanings of angle, Angularity, Didactic Engineering, Didactic

DOI: 10.24844/EM2901.07



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