Diego Garzón Castro1
Abstract. This paper analyzes the decisions made by two teachers during “teaching
moments” in which pedagogical opportunities emerge. These correspond
to examples of classroom discourse in which the mathematical thinking of the
student and the construction of mathematical meanings are made manifest.
For this purpose, the MOST-Noticing instrument was designed and evaluated,
allowing for such an analysis. An exploratory case study was carried out that
included the observation of videotaped classes of high school teachers. For the
analysis, we took into account: professional observation of the teaching of
mathematics, emphasizing the teacher’s ability to respond to the mathematical
understanding of the student, and the study of teaching moments that relate
the student’s mathematical thinking, the significant from the mathematical point
of view and the pedagogical opportunities. In the analysis, two teaching moments
were recognized that allowed to characterize the decisions in relation to
the actions from the applied instrument and the constant comparison.
Keywords: Teacher decisions, teachable moments, student’s mathematical thinking,
mathematical discourse in the classroom, teaching practice .
DOI: 10.24844/EM2903.05