José Ignacio Barragués, Adolfo Morais, María Juncal Manterola
y Jenaro Guisasola
Abstract: The current conception of what means to teach and to learn Mathematics holds that students must learn constructing actively new meanings from experience and previous knowledge. This conception demands a follow-up of the learning and of the completed tasks, to develop in the classroom activities that allow putting in practice key concepts in practical problems, etc. In this context, the Classroom Response System (CRS) is being investigated by its potential to improve the communication between the teacher and the students. This study describes the educational strategies put in practice at the UPV/EHU (Spain), for the education of Calculus in Engineering studies, using a CRS to facilitate the 64 Educación Matem ática, vol. 25, núm. 1, abril de 2013 Una propuesta de uso de un Classroom Response System … interaction with large groups of students. The results show that students valued positively the received education. In addition, it was observed a significantly superior average normalized gain in the learning to that obtained by a group of students that received a conventional education.
Key words: Clickers, CRS, Classroom Response System, significant learning, peer instruction, calculus, problem solving, PBL.